Terri Hron – Volière Électrique – Sept. 30, 2016

Volière Électrique

New Work by Terri Hron and Hildegard Westerkamp

Friday, September 30, 2016; 8PM
Vancouver Community College Atrium (1155 E Broadway, entrance at E 7th Ave and Glen Drive)

Recorder virtuoso Terri Hron returns to Vancouver to premiere a new work created in collaboration with Vancouver-based composer Hildegard Westerkamp, along with works by Hron and Robert Normandeau, and Hron and Monty Adkins.

Volière Électrique brings flying creatures together in a performance centred around recorded, processed and augmented recorder: La Huppe (Terri Hron/Robert Normandeau) tells the story of The Conference of the Birds. In their new work, Beads of Time Sounding* the recordings that Hron and Hildegard Westerkamp use feature a dawn chorus in the Osnabrück countryside. For the final piece, the five parts of Lepidoptera (Monty Adkins/Terri Hron) are each named for a different family of flying insects.

Listen to excerpts of Lepidoptera and La Huppe here.

Terri Hron/Robert Normandeau                      La Huppe       10’
Terri Hron/Hildegard Westerkamp                Beads of Time Sounding*      30’
Monty Adkins/Terri Hron                                Lepidoptera    40’
Zygoptera, Lepidoptera, Saturniid, Anisoptera, Ephemeroptera

Terri Hron, recorders and electronics

*World Premiere

Beads of Time Sounding – Premiere Excerpt by Terri Hron and Hildegard Westerkamp.