One-Page Score Project: Mary Burns/Soressa Gardner

One-Page Score Project w/Vancouver Electronic Ensemble

“Currents of our Imaginary Ocean”

One-Page Score created by Mary Burns
Music composition and performance by Soressa Gardner

This special spring edition of Vancouver New Music’s One-Page Score Project invites workshop participants to create their own one-page graphic score, and collaborate with a member of the Vancouver Electronic Ensemble to realize their creation.

Starting on Tuesday, May 19, 2020 we’ll host the live premiere of 2 new scores weekly at noon (PDT) for 4 weeks right here on our YouTube channel. We invite you to join us live, or listen later at your leisure.

Artist Statement – Mary Burns
“Currents of Our Imaginary Ocean” (2020)
In our imaginary ocean currents carry the iciest salt water from the bottom to the sun warmed surface, but it is not as simple as cold meeting hot. Obstacles alter the ebb and the flow and storms can reverse the usual order. Within the main current a local one mimes shape and direction. Isn’t that always the way?

Surface currents are water bugs shoving the water this way and that. Wavelets converse on shores we have not yet discovered. Galoup, galoush. For every comment there is an answer, sometimes a retort. Whirlpools, gyres. We cannot know all the matter that determines motion, the trenches, the mountains. Within the dissonance there is melody.

Artist Statement – Soressa Gardner
When presented with Mary Burns’ graphic score and accompanying text, I envisioned a vocal rich journey through shifting waters, dreamlike encounters with musical conversations, occasional trips to the surface for air, and eventual (but temporary) arrival in conventional melody. Mary’s words Galoup, Galoush reminded me of an imaginary language sacred song I wrote years ago which, reworked, became the basis of this arrival point.

SORESSA GARDNER is vocalist, laptop composer/improvisor, and sometimes songwriter. Born in Vancouver, she has recently relocated to Victoria, BC. In her late 30s she completed a Diploma in Classical Voice at Vancouver Community College with the intention of extending her pallet as a vocal improvisor. There she discovered her love of electronic music composition and continued on to obtain a Bachelor’s of Applied Music. Her keen sense of mood, colour, humour and gravitas are expressed through extended vocals enhanced by electronic manipulations and sound-worlds carefully crafted from a variety of audio processing techniques. She performs regularly with VEE (Vancouver Electronic Ensemble).
