We at Vancouver New Music recognize that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, special considerations must be made to reduce the risk of transmission of airborne illness. The health and welfare of our patrons, artists, staff, and volunteers is our top priority. At all of our events we aim to minimize the risk of infection as much as possible by requesting that patrons follow a number of guidelines.
Vancouver New Music will carefully implement current recommendations and orders made by the Provincial Health Officer (PHO), the province of British Columbia, and the Federal Government related to gatherings and events. Recognizing that the situation remains in a state of flux, adjustments to procedures and protocols will be made as needed. More information on current restrictions and guidelines can be found on the Government of British Columbia website.
Masks are no longer required in indoor spaces, however in consideration of the comfort and safety of others we strongly encourage you to wear a mask while attending this event.
Keep each other safe and healthy
- stay home if you are feeling ill or may have been exposed to Covid-19.
- though not required, we encourage you to continue to wear a properly fitting mask while attending indoor events. Masks are also encouraged while mingling with others at outdoor events.
- wherever possible, respect social distancing and maintain a two-metre personal space, both indoors and outdoors.
- frequently wash your hands or use hand-sanitizing stations.
Depending on the venue, they may have additional requirements that are not listed here. Everyone will be required to follow the policies outlined above as well as any additional measures required by the venue.
While attending Vancouver New Music events, please follow the directives of our staff and volunteers – our aim is to help keep you and everyone around you safe and healthy. Vancouver New Music maintains a zero tolerance policy for harassment and abusive language or behaviour towards our staff, volunteers, artists and other patrons. Anyone engaging in such behaviour will be asked to leave and, if necessary, subject to removal from the premises and prosecution under the law.
Updated: 14 September 2022