Sonic Playground – January 26, 2014
Sunday, January 26, 2014 | 10AM – 2PM
Vancouver Academy of Music (1270 Chestnut Street)
In this workshop open to youths aged 8 to 12, Sound Out Loud (Justin Devries and Robyn Jacob) will lead participants through an exploration of sound improvisation techniques. Through confidence building games and exercises, participants will be encouraged to produce sounds and noise freely, using instruments, voices, and body sounds. Those who have instruments are encouraged to bring them. Noise making toys are also welcome.
Music experience is not necessary. We welcome previous Sonic Playground attendees, as well as new faces!
Sonic Playground is a free event, however space is limited. Email info [at] or call 604-633-0861 before 5:00PM on January 24, 2014 to register for the workshop.
About Sound Out Loud
Sound Out Loud workshops were created by Robyn Jacob and Justin Devries. Together they lead groups of all ages in discovering free improvised music through sonic awareness activities, and ensemble playing. The workshops create a safe environment for people to experiment with making noise and engaging in sonic dialogue. Through these workshops participants can broaden their musical language.
Robyn Jacob has been teaching music for almost ten years. She teaches piano, music theory, composition, as well as unique courses on contemporary music. She has completed her Bachelor of Music degree at UBC, and since then has been involved in the local music community playing with Gamelan Gita Asmara, Publik Secrets, and Gamelan Bike Bike. She performs regularly with her solo project Fist Full o’ Snacks. Besides playing music, Robyn enjoys making zines and riding around on her bike.
Justin Devries is a musician fascinated by sounds of all sorts. His musical activities include playing music from Bali, making electronic noises and playing the drums. When not avidly researching music from around the world or simply listening to the space around him, he can usually be found building lamps or reading
Presented in association with Vancouver Academy of Music.