Poetics of Engagement: artist chat w/ Adrian Verdejo + composers – Feb. 23
Poetics of Engagement: Survival – Adaptation – Transformation
New visions for a post-pandemic world
Tuesday, February 23, 2021; 5pm PST
Join guitarist Adrian Verdejo, along with composers Wolf Edwards (Victoria), Peter Hannan (Vancouver), Diego Lozano Verduzco (Mexico) and Rodney Sharman (Vancouver) in conversation with VNM Artistsic Director Giorgio Magnanensi.
Verdejo and the composers will reflect on their creative practice in our current times, and their visions for our collective creative future. Following a moderated discussion, participants will be invited to take part in a Q&A with the artists.
This chat is free and open to everyone. Register through Eventbrite to get access to the Zoom link.
Between February 20-28, Vancouver New Music will offer a special, online full-length concert of works for solo guitar performed by Adrian Verdejo. The concert includes world premieres of Chains (2020) by Wolf Edwards and Punkt not punked (2020) by Peter Hannan. Also on the program are recent works by Diego Lozano Verduzco, Julia Mermelstein, and Rodney Sharman as interspersed with electroacoustic intermezzi by Verdejo.
Find out more about this exclusive on-demand concert, and buy tickets at https://old.newmusic.org/adrian-verdejo-vancouver/